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This is minghao's personal website, I write about different topics and post them here from time to time.


我使用的一些工具 / Tools I Use

Type List
Text Editor Vim still my love, but its UI and bugs really make me suffer, Visual Studio Code for its many modern features, Sublime Text for its speed and stability especially when working with large files
Shell Bash, also looking at Zsh, since macOS Catalina already use it as its default shell
Terminal Iterm2
Version Control Git, Github.com
Computers MBP15" Mid-2015, iMac 27" 2017
Programming Languages Python3, Javascript, C++, C
Office Google Docs, Microsoft Office 365, Apple Keynote, Apple Pages, Apple Numbers
Note Apple Notes, Google Keep
Browser Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox
Reading Kindle, iBooks, 多看, SafariBooksOnline
Feed Feedly
Read It Later Pocket
Documentation Reader Dash

一些很棒的在线工具 / Some Great Online Tools I Use

Name For
https://regex101.com/ Super powerful regexp debug tool, it is awesome!

一些很棒的macOS软件 / Awesome macOS Apps

Name For
Alfred Search for anything, Custom Workflow, Custom Integrations
Spectacle Essential App window management
Affility Suite Powerful and user-friendly design suite, very good alternatives to Adobe creative suite

一些很棒的命令行工具 / Some Command Line Tools I Use

Name For
homebrew apt-get for MacOS, essential package manager for macOS
ack Great grep alternative, but now ripgrep looks even better
jq jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
ripgrep A modern and faster grep
autojump Jump around faster and easier
rename Rename multiple files, not the system default rename!
httpie Great curl alternative, much easier and joyful to use!
ipython A powerful interactive python shell and much more!
tmux Terminal multiplexer, alternative to screen, must-have tool to work with remote server!
Fabric A simple yet powerful tool to run tasks on remote servers, a simple DevOps tool.
Ansible Remote server automation & management framework, a DevOps tool.

网站历史 / Site History

Date Event
2019-Sep-08 Moving back to be hosted by Github again, automatically build using Github Actions, deployed to Github Pages
2018-May-21 Using Github Pages for web hosting, since it now supports https for custom domain names
2017-Sep-26 Use Netlify hosting to get https support for my custom domain name
2017-Aug-21 Use niminghao.com as domain name and hosted with Github Pages
2017-Jan-01 The site is online as https://minghao.io
2016-Oct-10 The site is re-organized and built with my own static site generator SiteKicker
2016-Aug-30 The site planed