Learning Python

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Modules and Packages

Module vs Package

Module is an importable component in python. It could be any python source file, or it could be python extensions written in other languages like C or C++. Package to Module is what Directory to File, although not exactly the same. In real world use cases, package is used to reuse and distribute code, since it is more flexible, powerful in many ways.

Regular Pakcages vs Namespace Packages

Normal Imports(import outside packages) vs Package Imports(import inside packages)

Normal imports are all absolute imports, Package Imports are relative-then-absolute imports in version before python3.3 and absolute-only in versions after python3.3.

The rule of thumb for python imports

  1. First, what is the running python version?

    Python 2.x has old style python import, no relative import.

  2. Is it import inside packages?

  3. Is it relative import or absolute import?

Relative Import vs Absolute Import vs Relative-then-Absolute Import

Relative Imports searches only inside current package

The only valid relative import is like:

from . import xxx
from .. import xxx
from .dir import xxx

It is always a from style import, the from string always starts with one or two dots. And only use relative imports inside a package, or it will generate an error. An ImportError will be generated if search fails inside current package.

Absolute Imports searches only paths inside sys.path list

Absolute imports looks like this:

import os
from os import path
from os.path import isdir

Relative-then-Absolute Imports searches current package first, if not found, then searches sys.path

This Relative-then-Absolute behaviours is only available in Python 2.x, it has the exactly same style with absolute imports.

Namespace packages

This is only available in Python3.3+. Namespace package requires no init.py files, and it is a vritual package, its content could span multiple phisical locations.

Tips about modules and packages

  1. Hide variables using underscore name styles or with all special varaible
  2. all could be used inside a module or inside init.py file
  3. name is a special variable inside a module
  4. future is another special variable
  5. sys.path is package or module search path, sys.modules contains all loaded packages or modules
  6. dict, name, file is a special attribute on a module object, to see more, use dir() function

Other Tips

  1. types package is a special package containing types utility for comparing and dynamic creation data of different types
ISBN: 9781449355739
Publisher: O'REILLY